martes, 21 de junio de 2011

HIV in Pregnancy

HIV in Pregnancy
1. Understand the effects of HIV on pregnancy
2. Discuss MTCT, factors that may increase transmission, and measures that reduce transmission
3. Describe how ART is used for the prevention of MTCT
4. Describe the various drug regimens for PMTCT that are used during pregnancy, intrapartum, and postpartum, including short course ART
5. Discuss issues related to breastfeeding, PMTCT, ART and WHO recommendations
6. Discuss national guidelines with regards to HIV and infant feeding
7. Discuss HIV and infant feeding as they relate to ARV therapy
8. Discuss specific considerations affecting the use of ARV’s in women
HIV and Pregnancy: Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission
2 million HIV-infected women become pregnant each year
Between 1/4 and 1/3 transmit the disease to their newborns during labor, delivery, or while breast-feeding
2,000 new HIV-infected infants each day
HIV presentation is the same in both sexes.
HIV can be transmitted from mother to child and influence mother’s reproductive health.
While asymptomatic, many women are unaware of their HIV status until the diagnosis is made in their infants.
She then might be blamed for bringing HIV infection into the family
Some studies suggest that HIV may have an adverse affect on a woman’s fertility.
Long term progression of CD4 count / percentage is not affected by pregnancy.
HIV by itself does not cause congenital abnormalities in the fetus.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2011

Why should we pray for HIV/AIDS people?

Dear Friends, Why should we pray for HIV/AIDS people? You Know: - HIV/Aids Have become a Global crisis, challenging humanity in the twenty-first Century. It is one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history in The world. The figures below show the impact of the epidemic in the world Today. Each day • 1,900 children are infected with HIV. • 1,350 children who are HIV infected, die. Each year • 630,000 children become infected with HIV (the vast majority During birth or through breast-feeding). • 490,000 children who are HIV infected, die. Half of all children with Aids die before they reach two years old. The affect of HIV is disproportionably concentrated within developing Countries and more than half of those newly infected throughout the World are young people between the ages of 10 and 20 Today's increasing world population and our high mobility have made We more exposed than ever to the risk of global epidemic. Aside from HIV and Aids, we're seeing other new viruses emerge; viruses that Change shape quickly, developing immunities to our drugs. People, Who are suffering the pain of HIV and Aids, or any other major strain? Of disease, will need sanctuaries, places of healing both physical and Emotional. Community organizations such as churches can be Providing those kinds of sanctuaries, as they have often done in the Past, you don't have to be a person of faith to get involved in Aids care or Support. Most people, whatever their beliefs, share the same Concerns and commitment. Yet if, as many Christians believe, the power of Christ is present Within the Church to heal sickness or, at the very least, to give solace For those who suffer, the presence of tragic diseases likes HIV/AIDS Surely represents a positive challenge for faith - a challenge that People faith should rise to meet Bringing Hope to HIV/AIDS Stand Their Families to Transform Their Lives through Love of God,

“Being HIV Positive is not the end But the bringing of a Courageous Journey"
Loving God, you alone knows the end from the begining. We lift up all these HIV/AIDS patients to you. God, where there is pain we ask please remove it, where there is despair God grant them new hope and Father let them never doubt your power to save and heal. God we pray for those involved in the discovery of treatment that God you will fill

jueves, 2 de junio de 2011

3 things that children can teach adults to be always happy for no apparent reason, toalways be busy with something and demand something with all their might
Paulo Coelho

Plegaria por Los Niños

 Quiero pedir por los niños que dejan sus dedos llenos de chocolate en todo lo que tocan, que saltan en los charcos y arruinan sus pantalones nuevos, que comen dulces antes de la comida y que nunca encuentran sus zapatos en la mañana...
Quiero pedir por los niños que miran a los fotógrafos desde atrás de los alambres de púas, que nunca han caminado por la calle con un par de zapatos nuevos, que nunca han jugado "encantados" y que han nacido en lugares a donde nosotros jamás nos acercaríamos, que es donde probablemente morirán...

Quiero pedir por los niños que nos dan besos pegoteados de caramelo y ramos de flores, que duermen con su perro y quieren enterrar a sus pescaditos, que nos abrazan muy fuerte y que olvidan su dinero para la merienda, que riegan la pasta de dientes por todo el baño, que observan con ojos asombrados a su padre cuando se afeita y a su madre mientras se maquilla, que hacen ruido cuando toman la sopa...
Y también quiero pedir por los niños que nunca han comido postre, que no tienen cobija favorita que llevar a todos lados, que ven a sus padres sufrir, que se acercan a nuestros coches en cada calle pidiendo con sus ojos, que no tienen baños para asearse, y cuyas fotos aparecen en las estaciones de policía y no en las oficinas de sus padres...
Quiero pedir por los niños cuyas pesadillas suceden a plena luz del día, que comen lo que encuentran, que duermen bajo el cielo abrigados por periódicos, que nunca han ido al dentista, que no reciben mimos de nadie, que van a dormir hambrientos y despiertan hambrientos, que no tienen dirección...
Quiero pedir por los niños a quienes les gusta que los carguen y por aquellos que tienen que ser cargados, por los que se dan por vencidos y por los que siguen luchando, por los que no encuentran manos que tomar...
Por todos esos niños, quiero pedir el día de hoy, porque todos son valiosos, dan una nueva forma de amor a nuestras vidas y una razón para vivir, porque ellos nos hacen sentir la necesidad de comprometernos a construir un mundo más justo...

Y pido por nuestros hijos, los que nacieron y los que nacerán, porque son la mejor esperanza para nuestro mundo, la compensación de nuestro trabajo, la realización de nuestros sueños incompletos, la garantía de nuestra inmortalidad... y la muestra de que Dios no ha perdido la esperanza en los hombres...

Este día pido por mis hijos, por nuestros hijos, por todos los hijos del mundo...
Para que DIOS los bendiga con amor y alegría... 

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

AIDS has already orphaned 20,000 children in Nepal, and there are an estimated 5000 children living with HIV/AIDS

KATHMANDU, Dec 11: AIDS has already orphaned 20,000 children in Nepal, and there are an estimated 5000 children living with HIV/AIDS, says the world’s children report 2010, released Wednesday by the UN’s Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).

The children belong to 0-14 age group, and the figures are based on figures updated until 2001-end. The situation, according to the report, is no less appalling in such neighbouring countries as Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka.

While the report is silent on the situation of HIV/AIDS among children in China, it says that there are an estimated 170,000 children who are living with HIV/AIDS in India, Nepal’s giant neighbour in the south with which it shares an open border

The love of God is in every child

Our Vision :- Bringing Hope to HIV/AIDS Stand Their Families to Transform Their Lives through Love of God

Users (IDUs), men who have sex with men (MSM), and migrants. There is an urgent need to scale up effective interventions, especially among IDUs. Nepal's poverty, political instability and gender inequality, combined with low levels of education and literacy make the task all the more challenging, as do the denial, stigma, and discrimination that surround HIV/AIDS.

The first case of AIDS in Nepal was reported in 1988. Since then, the numbers have risen among the country’s 28 million people. By the end of 2005, more than 950 cases of AIDS and over 5,800 cases of HIV infection were officially reported, with three times as many men reported to be infected as women. However, given the limitations of Nepal’s public health surveillance system, the actual number of infections is expected to be much higher. UNAIDS estimates that 75,000 people were living with HIV at the end of 2007bbbMillion people were living with HIV/AIDS at the end of 2012
Nepal’s HIV epidemic is largely concentrated in high-risk groups, especially female sex workers (FSW), IDUs, MSM and migrants. Injection drug use appears to be extensive in Nepal and to overlap with commercial sex. Another important factor is the high number of sex workers who migrate or are trafficked to MumbaiIndia to work, thereby increasing HIV prevalence in the sex workers’ network in Nepal more rapidly
What about Nepal’s children?
*      12,000 Nepali children are taken to India and the Gulf to work in the sex industry every year.
*      20% of teenagers consider pre-marital sex okay
*      Current drug use is at 20%
*      80% of street children sniff glue
*      HIV, and drug use amongst street children is neglected by organizations working on HIV and drug issues

Children Affected By HIV/AIDS
          Huge and Growing Number of Orphaned Children in Nepali day by day increase, Number of Double Orphans Lose Both Mother And father, same of the children will have lost one parents.
          Rising Number of Children of all descriptions, not jut Orphans due to AIDS or other cause are suffering as a result of the epidemic. Children are being affected economically, socially and psychologically. Reduced access to education and health care child labors, migration and homelessness, psychological impacts include depression, guilt, anger and fear caused by parental illness and death